The Tour 2023
A mere six weeks ago, I had no inkling of setting foot in Boston, let alone embarking on a journey through the majestic rolling Hills of the Northern Appalachians. And the prospect of visiting the hallowed grounds of Isaac Backus, John Clarke, or Roger Williams? That was entirely off my radar. But as it so often happens in life, God intervened, and in the span of a single day, everything changed. We were graciously invited to accompany Pastor Keith Hoover and his band of nearly 40 men, on a pilgrimage through the hallowed lands of New England. The experience, I assure you, would be nothing short of unforgettable. Truly, this event had within its invitation the power to transform hearts and minds. I should confess that we are no strangers to hunting historical landmarks and graveyards, nor was this our first Baptist History Tour. However, there was something different about this particular tour, and I will endeavor to recount it in detail for you.
We began our adventure in the historically rich city of Boston, with its sprawling Commons, towering steeples, and bustling streets. Everywhere you looked, there were colonial-dressed tour guides, each eager to share the fascinating tales of America's past. For a history buff like myself, it was nothing short of exhilarating. We ambled along the sidewalks of Liberties trail, retracing the steps of our nation's forefathers, and sat in the very meeting houses where some of the most pivotal moments in American history took place. The energy and excitement were palpable, and I knew then that this would be a journey to remember. This was more than just a sightseeing tour. And we were not mere spectators. It was a pilgrimage, a quest to rediscover the events that led to the creation of one of the world's most remarkable documents: The Bill of Rights.
We were a team of storytellers, determined to capture every moment of this journey on camera. Under the guidance of Keith Hoover and Jason Burton, we embarked on a mission to unearth the lost stories of America's past. From the Ports of Plymouth and Portsmouth to the Whipping of Obadiah Holmes, from the jail cell of Mary Dyer to the commons where Whitefield preached to 20,000, and from the small group of Separatists that Backus assembled in Middleborough to the reconstitution of that assembly into a Baptist Church, we traversed the length and breadth of New England, tracing the steps of God’s truth written in the hearts of men.
The Boston T
With every passing day, our hard drives filled up with footage of invaluable histories. My brother Jim, our project DIT, worked tirelessly to transfer hundreds of files onto our hard drives, making sure that not a single moment was lost. As we moved from one location to another, we captured the essence of America's revolutionary past, one frame at a time. And in the end, we knew that our Tour 2023 documentary would be a testament to History. The hand of God was so apparent in the lives of these remarkable people that we owe our freedom to them. Their unwavering devotion to the liberty of conscience, the foundation of the American dream, started a revolution that culminated in the creation of the Constitution.
Rhode Island State House, Providence Rhode Island
In our upcoming film, we delve into the lives of extraordinary men and women whose steadfast commitment to their God-given conscience sparked a movement that changed the course of history. From Roger Williams to Mary Dyer, John Clarke, Obadiah Holmes, George Whitefield, Isaac Backus, and countless other unsung American heroes, we explore the stories of those who sacrificed everything for their beliefs.
As we embark on the challenging task of editing this project, we humbly ask for your prayers. Our goal is to enlighten and inspire viewers to follow in the footsteps of these courageous individuals, to stand up for the truth, and live only by it. With your support, we hope to remind today's generation of the true source of our liberties and encourage them to take their rightful place in society. So, hold on to your seats, folks, and get ready for
"A Call to New England: The Tour 2023"!